COST Action network funding

The European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) Action proposal of SkuldNet Director Dr Kristian Sandberg has been approved and will support networking activities related to neuroarchitectural mapping of consciousness over the next 4 years.

The objectives and organizational structure of the Action is highly similar to those of SkuldNet, and, as such, the grant is expected to be an important source of funding for networking activities of SkuldNet researchers, many of whom are COST Action Participants. The grant supports a wide range of networking activities – incl. meetings, workshops, and research stays of up to 6 months – mainly between researchers based in Europe. In general, the COST Action is thus able to support networking activities for a number of SkuldNet researchers engaged in neuroarchitectural mapping of consciousness, but also supports non-consortium activities. The Action is open, and it is possible to participate in the ongoing project. Read more about participating here.

The proposal scored maximum points on 13 out of 15 evaluation parameters, achieving a total score of 63 out of 65 possible points. The budget is to be determined annually depending on the number of participating countries but is expected to be in the range of €400,000-500,000 in total across 4 years.